Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Review of Kelly and Kulman’s Article Kid Power
The article chosen for review is â€Å"Kid Power†by Katy Kelly and Linda Kulman, U. S. News ; World Report. It was posted on September 5, 2004. The article discusses the psychology and marketing that is accomplished by major companies. Advertising companies spend over $15 billion a year telling kids what is hot and what they need to buy. Kids are surrounded with carefully researched messages and marketing telling them what to do.The parenting style has become more flexible and less authoritarian in the last 25 years. All this tiny consumers in United States will recognize logos at the age of 18 months and by 2 children will ask products by brand name. It should be noted that a child will watch 40,000 commercials every year and some parents reported that the baby’s first words was not â€Å"mama†or â€Å"dada†but â€Å"Coke†. United States with only 4. 5 percent of the population buys 45 percent of the global toy production.American kids will get an average of 70 new toys a year. Kids will influence the family decision buying power of parent by 670 billion worth of purchases, small items such as which snacks to buy and large items as a SUV for the family trips with the kids. If we compare the military budget in United States is 418 billion, much smaller than the kids buying power. There is a strong opposition to this barrage of advertising by many fronts.That is why marketers count on kids to nag parents to the point of purchase. The American Psychological Association added its voice to that of the American Academy of Pediatrics is reporting that advertising is directed toward children and is deceptive and exploits children under age 8. Also, the APA says that before the age of 4 or 5, kids can not distinguish between a show and a commercial. In the future most likely we will see legislation to curve the limit on advertising to children.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Lost Tribes of Israel Claims by Herbert Armstrong
The Lost Tribes of Israel Catholic. com Around 926 b. c. , the kingdom of Israel split in two. Up to that point, all twelve tribes of Israel (plus the priestly tribe of Levi) had been united under the monarchies of Saul, David, and Solomon. But when Solomon’s son Rehoboam ascended to the throne, the ten Northern tribes rebelled and seceded from the union. This left only two tribesâ€â€Judah and Benjamin (plus much of Levi)â€â€under the control of the king in Jerusalem. From that time on, the tribes were divided into two nations, which came to be called the House of Israel (the Northern ten tribes) and the House of Judah (the Southern two tribes).This situation continued until around 723 B. C. , when the Assyrians conquered the Northern kingdom. To keep conquered nations in subjection, it was Assyrian policy to break them up by deporting their native populations to other areas and resettling the land with newcomers. When the House of Israel was conquered, most people bel onging to the ten Northern tribes were deported and settled elsewhere in the Assyrian kingdom, including places near Nineveh, Haran, and on what is now the Iran-Iraq border.They were replaced by settlers from locations in or near Babylon and Syria. These settlers intermarried, together with the remaining Israelites, and became the Samaritans mentioned in the New Testament (a few hundred of whom still survive today). The Israelites who had been deported also intermarried with the peoples of the places where they had been resettled. They eventually lost their distinct identity, disappeared, and their culture was lost to history. Some refer to them as â€Å"the lost tribes of Israel. â€Å"A movement called â€Å"British Israelism†claims to have found the ten â€Å"lost tribes,†however, and in some very unlikely places. For many years, one of the leaders in the British Israelism movement was Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the self-proclaimed â€Å"Worldwide Church of God. †Especially for Americans, Armstrong was just about the only person they ever heard advocating British Israelism. With his own paid television program, Armstrong regularly advertised his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, which advocated the view. British Israelism was not Armstrong’s only eccentric view.Among other things, he believed in Saturday rather than Sunday worship and, most seriously, he rejected the doctrine of the Trinity and claimed that individual humans could be added to the Godhead. After Armstrong’s death, the Worldwide Church of God did a serious review of the doctrines it had taught up to that point and moved to a more biblically and theologically orthodox position. Today, the organization is basically another Evangelical Protestant church (they have even been admitted to the National Association of Evangelicals), though with a few distinctive practices.Many of their congregations still worship on Saturdays, for example, b ut they no longer regard keeping the Jewish Sabbath and feasts as points of doctrine. They have embraced the doctrine of the Trinity, denied that created beings can become part of the Godhead, and acknowledged that other churches contain true Christians. They have also rejected the distinctive idea behind British Israelismâ€â€the claim that the lost tribes of Israel are to be specially identified with the Anglo-Saxons.Unfortunately, there are still advocates of British Israelism out there (including some groups that split off from the Worldwide Church of God when it underwent its doctrinal renewal), and, though the book is out of print, Herbert W. Armstrong’s The United States and Britain in Prophecy continues to circulate. The United States and Britain in Prophecy teaches the notion that the Lost Tribes of Israel are really the descendants of Anglo-Saxons, which is to say the British and Americans of British extraction. This exotic doctrine had been around for decades be fore Herbert W.Armstrong founded his church in 1933, and it appeals, naturally enough, to those of British heritage. After all, who wouldn’t want to be a member of the â€Å"chosen race†(assuming there is one)? And according to Armstrong, that’s precisely what the Anglo-Saxons areâ€â€God’s chosen race, where can be found the direct descendants of King David and, even today, the true â€Å"heirs†to King David’s throne. The United States and Britain in Prophecy opens with this epigraph: â€Å"The prophecies of the Bible have been grievously misunderstood. And no wonder!For the vital key, needed to unlock prophetic doors to understanding, had become lost. That key is a definite knowledge of the true identity of the American and British peoples in biblical prophecy. †Only the first sentence of this epigraph is strictly correct, and a good share of the â€Å"grievous misunderstanding†is by people who put faith in the writing s of Herbert W. Armstrong. The Argument Begins â€Å"We know Bible prophecies definitely refer to Russia, Italy, Ethiopia, Libya, and Egypt of today. Could they then ignore modern nations like Britain and America?Is it reasonable? †This is how the argument begins, and notice what kind of argument it is. If these â€Å"lesser†countries are mentioned in Scripture, would it be fair for God to ignore us, important as we are? (We won’t examine here the highly dubious premise that Russia is mentioned in Scripture. ) You might call this an â€Å"appeal to pride. †Never fear, says Armstrong. â€Å"The fact is, [the British and Americans] are mentioned more often than any other race [sic]. Yet their prophetic identity has remained hidden to the many. Why is that? you ask. Because the Bible doesn’t refer to them by their modern names, but by an ancient name. And what is that name? None other than Israel. â€Å"Hold it! †you say. The people who ca me from Israel are Jews. Britons and Americans, for the most part, aren’t Jewish. How can one claim otherwise? Easily. Armstrong assures us that, â€Å"The house of Israel is not Jewish! Those who constitute it are not Jews, and never were! That fact we shall now see conclusively, beyond refute. †Actually, there is something of a point here.The term â€Å"Jew†originated as a way of referring to the people of the southern kingdom of Judah, whether their own tribe was Judah, Benjamin, or Levi. The term appears late in Israel’s historyâ€â€after the division into northern and southern kingdomsâ€â€and it can be fairly claimed that the term does not apply to the members of the ten northern tribes, who are properly known as â€Å"Israelites†since they belonged to the House of Israel rather than the House of Judah. Armstrong asserted: â€Å"Certainly this proves that the Jews are a different nation altogether from the House of Israel,†cl aims Armstrong. The Jews of today are Judah! They call their nation ‘Israel’ today because they, too, descend from the patriarch Israel or Jacob. But remember that the ‘House of Israel’â€â€the ten tribes that separated from Judahâ€â€does not mean Jew! Whoever the lost ten tribes of Israel are today, they are not Jews! †â€Å"By the year 721 B. C. , the House of Israel was conquered and its people were soon driven out of their own landâ€â€out of their homes and citiesâ€â€and carried captives to Assyria, near the southern shores of the Caspian Sea! †So it was in 721 B.C. that the Lost Tribes got â€Å"lost. †The Year Nothing Happened Had the tribes remained faithful to God, all would have been well, Armstrong explains. â€Å"But, if they refused and rebelled, they were to be punished seven timesâ€â€a duration of 2,520 yearsâ€â€in slavery, servitude, and want. †They did rebel, and Armstrong theorizes that their punishment extended from 721 B. C. to A. D. 1800. And what remarkable thing happened in 1800? Well, if we don’t count the election of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency of the United States, not a whole lot.In fact, 1800 was a pretty dull year for history. But Armstrong disagrees, saying that from that date, Britain and America became world powers; the former (at that time) politically, and the latter economically (and later, also politically). According to Armstrong’s scheme, the figure of â€Å"2,520 years of punishment†is arrived at by multiplying the â€Å"seven years of punishment†by 360â€â€the number of days in the year as it was reckoned by the ancientsâ€â€on the principle that each â€Å"day†of punishment really stood for a whole year of punishment.If you think this is convoluted reasoning, just wait until you read the remainder of the argument in The United States and Britain in Prophecy. It’s enough to note here th at Armstrong determines from Scripture that the Lost Tribes ended up on islands in the sea, and these islands are northwest of Palestine. We’re told, for example, that the forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah begins with, â€Å"Listen, O isles, unto me. †Do you see how this suggests the British Isles? Armstrong says, â€Å"Take a map of Europe.Lay a line due northwest of Jerusalem across the continent of Europe, until you come to the sea, and then to the islands in the sea! This line takes you direct to the British Isles! †The skeptic might note that the line first comes to the Aegean islands, which are also in the seaâ€â€the Mediterranean Seaâ€â€but this would mean the Greeks are the Lost Tribes, therefore, the theory would not play into the desires of some British or Americans to identify themselves with the lost tribes. Linguistic Legerdemain You want more proof? Armstrong has it. The House of Israel,†he explains, â€Å"is the ‘covenant peopl e. ’ The Hebrew word for ‘covenant’ is brit [b’rith]. And the word for ‘covenant man,’ or ‘covenant people,’ would therefore sound, in English word order, Brit-ish (the word ish means ‘man’ in Hebrew, and it is also an English suffix on nouns and adjectives). And so, is it mere coincidence that the true covenant people today are called the ‘British’? And they reside in the ‘British Isles’! †This reasoning may impress some, but no linguist would take this seriously.The word â€Å"British†is not derived from Hebrew but from the Celtic word Brettas. It’s significant that the Celtic Brettas referred to the Britons, who were inhabitants of England before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons that Armstrong claims were Israelites. One possible reason for Armstrong’s linguistic confusions may be that in Webster’s Diction-ary (for example, in the 3,200-page unabridged ed ition published in 1932â€â€an edition Armstrong may have had access to) the entry for b’rith (Hebrew: covenant) appears sandwiched between the entries for â€Å"Britannic†and â€Å"Briticism. Perhaps he simply didn’t read carefully enough and assumed, wrongly, that b’rith must somehow be etymologically connected with the other the words before and after pertaining to things British. Neither does the common English suffix -ish derive from the Hebrew word for man. Instead, it derives from the Greek diminutive suffix -iskos It was bad enough to suggest that the word â€Å"British†is Hebrew, but he also made another claim: If you take the name â€Å"Isaac,†you see it’s easy for someone to drop the â€Å"I†when speaking quickly and to end up with â€Å"Saac†as the name of the patriarch.He had descendants, of course, and these may be called â€Å"Saac’s sons,†from which we get the word â€Å"Saxons. à ¢â‚¬ â€Å"Is it only coincidence,†asks Armstrong, â€Å"that ‘Saxons’ sounds the same as ‘Saac’s sons’â€â€sons of Isaac? †This doesn’t even qualify as a coincidence, since Armstrong had to make up the nickname of â€Å"Saac†in order for the â€Å"coincidence†to exist. In reality, the term â€Å"Saxon†is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word â€Å"seax,†which means knife or dagger, not the Hebrew word â€Å"Isaac†(Yitskhaq), which means â€Å"laughter†(cf.Gen. 17:15–19, 18:9–15). Another Remarkable Coincidence? Armstrong found other coincidences. When the Lost Tribes were scattered, he says, they â€Å"brought with them certain remarkable things, including a harp and a wonderful stone called lia-fail, or stone of destiny. A peculiar coincidence is that Hebrew reads from right to left, while English reads from left to right. Read this name either wayâ€â€and it still is lia-fail. Another strange coincidenceâ€â€or is it just coincidence? is that many kings in the history of Ireland, Scotland, and England have been coronated sitting over a remarkable stoneâ€â€including the present queen [sic]. The stone rests today in Westminster Abbey in London, and the coronation chair is built over and around it. A sign once beside it labeled it ‘Jacob’s pillar-stone. ’†Here Armstrong’s argument becomes even weaker. After all, one could note that Hebrew and English are not the only languages which, when contrasted, are read in different directions. For example, Arabic is read right to left, while Gaelic is read left to right.What does that prove? Nothing! Just as Armstrong’s muddled reasoning proves nothing at all about a connection between Hebrew and English. If it did, one could just as easily â€Å"prove†that the Lost Tribes were also responsible for bringing the Blarney Stone with them. And that ’s just plain blarney. Armstrongism’s Appeal What makes Armstrong’s notion so attractive to some folks? First, it appeals to their nationalistic vanity: â€Å"I’m of English descent, and now I see that I’m right in the thick of things, biblically speaking.Having English blood in my veins makes me special. It puts me above the rest of the crowd. †It also perpetuates ethnic prejudice: â€Å"Thank God I’m not Italian! I never liked Italians anyway, and now I see they aren’t descended from the Lost Tribes and so are only secondary players in the divine dramaâ€â€something I always suspected. †At first glance, Armstrong’s argument seems to be based on a sophisticated understanding of Scripture: â€Å"Armstrong provides lots of citations, and I can’t find fault with his argument. It’s so convoluted and technical it
Monday, July 29, 2019
Citigroup as an Investment bank Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Citigroup as an Investment bank - Research Paper Example The purpose of this paper is to analyze Citigroup’s investment banking segment. Investment banks aid in the underwriting of security deals in the process of raising capital for their corporate clients. In addition, investment bankers provide a myriad of other financial services to make sure the deals meet the entire financial and legal requirements by handling transactional aspects of the deals. Citigroup is a reputable global financial institution with a very highly diverse financial services portfolio providing the services in investment banking in many countries in the world. While Citigroup has both commercial and retail banking sections, the bank also prides itself in having one of the best investment banks in the world, with many of its deals running into billions of dollars each. While retail and commercial banking includes the taking of deposits by the bank, the investment banking sector precludes the taking of deposits, and instead engages in facilitation of transacti ons and promotion of securities. Citi’s investment bank is among the top ten in world, making over $3.2 billion in fees for the year 2010. The group’s investment baking section leads in many regional financial services markets, and has won numerous awards for its investment banking operations. Citigroup was formed in 1998, after the merger of Citicorp and Travelers in a $70 billion merger. City Bank’s origin dates back to 1812, which gives the financial institution a 200-year legacy in the banking industry as of this year. Citigroup has since become a world-renowned financial institution with diverse banking specialties. The bank boasts of a vibrant presence in over 100 countries and a workforce of over a quarter of a million employees. The investment banking section of the financial services group accounts for billions of dollars’ worth of transactions, and thrives against a backdrop of brutal investment banking competitors with a global presence in the industry. Initially, the law disallowed the merger of commercial and investment services by a single financial services entity before the year 1998. However, with the timely passing of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act at the turn of the twenty first century is what many financial analysts regard as the single most important contributor to the success of many financial institutions such as Citi’s investment banking segments. Primarily, investment banks turn profits by charging fees and commissions for their services (Jobs Digest, 2010). Citigroup offers many investment banking services, which involve underwriting services, issuance of capital in primary and secondary markets, and making debt arrangements on behalf of their clients. The clients include governments, corporations and wealthy individuals and families. The amount of money investment banks make has risen considerably over the last few years. However, many investment banks reported numerous losses that crippled their opera tions and forced many into merger and acquisition deals and government bailouts during the 2008 global economic crisis. Citigroup reinforced its loyalty with its customers for sustaining the economic blow without a bail out from the government. The crisis in the investment banking sector was mainly attributable to the deals in sub-prime lending deals (Jobs Digest, 2010), which fell into default and made the banks suffer historical and crippling losses. Citigroup lost 35% stake to the state in the heat of the economic meltdown (Jobs Digest, 2010). Citigroup has four major regions: North America, EMEA (Europe Middle East and Africa), Latin America, and Asia. Each of these regions made $544, $1,224, $ 653, $1,253 billion worth of transactions respectively for the year ending 2010, totaling to $3,674 billion. The group is also one of the favorite in an emerging class of investors in the internet
Sunday, July 28, 2019
KIEU paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
KIEU paragraph - Essay Example There are a number of characteristics of Kim that have enabled Kieu to think about him in a special manner. The author has made Kim quiet loyal throughout the tale because it rather took a stance of devotion. The devotion of Kim is evident in the case that despite living away from Kieu for more than years, he continuously loved her the most. Throughout the story, Kim has been projected to be stuck to the vows both of them have taken (Lexuan). This is evident from the quote, â€Å"Our innermost sentiments fine as silk threads†¦ Will unite us forever - this we pledge (Adams Stanza 09). These words rather allow the readers to understand the intensity of love and bond of Kim and Kieu. Readers will also find Kim to be romantic. The romanticism being noted in this context is not just limited to the fact that he loved Kieu but also he loved his country the most (Lexuan). Being a learnt man, he knew that he will never lose the hope of finding Kieu. At the end of the tale, it becomes quiet evident that his hope towards finding Kieu was not wasted. Overall the story has provided a clear yet an in-depth hold of the essence of
Profile Dr. Jonathan Calof Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Profile Dr. Jonathan Calof - Research Paper Example Awards also came to him from educational organizations like Academy of Business Administration, the International Council for Small Business - South Africa, the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, and the Academy of International Business. The international journals like Competitive Intelligence Review, Business Quarterly, International Journal of Small Business Management, and International Business Review also contain informative articles and eye openers contributed by him. His case on the Sterling Marking products has become a key collection of Ivey School of Business and was a part of the 10 most marketed cases. This is also a selection amongst the best articles collected by Business Quarterly. He has been heard over the radio in different interviews (Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, n.d.). Dr. Jonathan Calof passed his graduation level from University of Western Ontario, Ivey School of Business and Carleton University. He is a part of the editorial t eam of many publications and an editor of Executive Magazine. In general he is a productive author and has over 100 publications in his name.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Giving the definition on communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Giving the definition on communication - Essay Example At the base of this entire debate lies one phenomenon common to all humans, and that is Communication. Communication may be defined in many ways; however, in simple words, communication is the exchange of information between two or more people. (The American Heritage College Dictionary, 2010). This information may be verbal (using words), non-verbal (using gestures, postures, expressions, etc.) or a combination of both, and may consist of facts, ideas, thoughts, feelings or any other information. (Wood, 2009). For a communication to be effective, it is very necessary for it to follow all the steps of the communication process properly. Failing on any step may cause the communication to be misunderstood and hence the entire purpose would be lost. The process of communication consists of the following steps: Message: First and foremost step is to be clear of what message (thought, idea, or information) is to be communicated. (Adair, 2009). Receiver: The receiver of the message should b e identified since the message would be encoded according to his intellectual capability. Encoding: The message should be carefully put formulated using words, symbols, visuals, gestures, etc., which can be easily decoded by the receiver. (Beebe, et al, 2010). Medium: The medium of communication is extremely important and should be reliable enough to carry the message properly without distorting its actual meaning. Various media include face-to-face communication, written script, pictures and visuals, email, telephone, etc. (Roethlisberger, 1962). Decoding: when the receiver receives a message, he decodes it to interpret the meaning behind them. The more nicely the message is encoded the easier it will be for the receiver to decode it and hence its effectiveness would be high. (Tannen, 1986). Feedback: This step does not exist in one-way communication; however, it is a very crucial step in making sure if the message is communicated correctly. The receiver sends his/her response or f eedback regarding the particular message through which the sender can detect any misunderstandings and can gauge how effective was the communication. (Roethlisberger, 1962). Communication can be classified in many ways. One way to categorize communication is on the basis of the way it is done. Hence, communication may be Oral (or Verbal), Non-Verbal, Visual or Written. (Beebe, et al, 2010). Oral communication mainly utilizes spoken language otherwise known as verbal cues but addition of non-verbal cues, visuals and written statements may assist in conveying the message more effectively. (Adair, 2009). Nonverbal communication is the most complicated type of communication. It may be used alone or in combination with other types as well. It is highly influential and when used in combination with oral communication may enhance its meaning if used in the same context. (Burgoon, et al, 2009). However, if the non-verbal cues go against the literal meaning of the verbal cues, the power of n on-verbal communication can easily sublime the impact of spoken words. For example, if a person says â€Å"I am going to kill you†with gritted teeth, stiff posture, raised eyebrows and a serious expression, he is most likely determined to kill the receiver of the message. On the other hand, if a person utters the same
Friday, July 26, 2019
Orientalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Orientalism - Essay Example depiction of Arab world by the media, literature and films, which were full of sensual women who were there to be used by men and East was depicted as a mysterious place full of secrets. This had no link with the people, who actually lived there, says Said. Said calls this viewpoint, orientalism and emphasises that this orientalist approach was creating an image outside history as if the life of the orient was placid, still and eternal. He elaborates his argument by saying that this was actually the creation of an ideal ‘other’. In the next part, orientalism is located by Said in the context of imperial conquest. Said reminds that Napolian invaded Egypt not only with his army, but with scientists, architects, philologists, biologists, historians etc. Said says that the job of these non-military people was to record Egypt for the Europians, conveniently suiting the invader’s ideology. The second section also specifically deals with American orientalism. According t o Said, the ideas of Britain and France of the orient were weaved around direct experience of ruling these nations but US never directly occupied the east or Middle East and so their experience was indirect. So, says Said, the American orientalism is much more based on abstractions. And he adds that American orientalism is politicized by the presence of Israel. Said reminds us that there is no word spoken in US about the dispossessed millions in Palestine and the prolonged Israeli occupation of Gaza but Hamas is depicted as villains who kill Israeli children.. So the average American never gets the opportunity to see without prejudice, the real Arab world, says Said. Said enters the contemporary realm at this stage and goes on to say that orientalism today is mainly, the demonisation of Islam in the news and popular culture. He states that always the Muslims are shown dressed in black, wearing masks and conducting violent acts, by the media. Terrorism, which is incorrectly named as Islamic
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Management Practive in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Management Practive in Business - Essay Example The planning process focuses on the realistic view of the business expectation. The presence of proper planning process in an organization helps the management of the organization in maintaining a focus towards the overall growth and development of the business. The planning process also helps the organization in providing a framework for the business and provides the organization with a benchmark for measuring the performance of the organization (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Considering the importance of planning in the business organization, the planning process in Liberty mutual insurance is being analyzed critically. The first step maintained by Liberty Mutual insurance in their planning process is in setting the basic target of the organization which includes clarification of the vision, mission and goals of the organization. The vision of Liberty mutual insurance involves providing every one with the same amount of opportunity to live their dreams. The mission of the organiz ation states that the organization is in the process of value creation for the citizens with the help of the effective and profitable life insurance plans. The goals of the organization are also made clear and it aims at becoming a leading provider of life insurance services in the global market by focusing attention towards the customer satisfaction. The organization also aims at enhancing the value of stakeholders by achieving reputations in the market through the business practices. In matters of implementation of any strategic decision in the organization; the mission, vision and goals are kept in mind. Before planning for any changes in the organization, careful market research is conducted and due importance is provided to the needs of the customers. During the decision making process ideas are taken from all levels of the management and clear analysis of the views of the employees are done. The various departments within the organization are assigned with the responsibility o f managing their own department and integration within different department is maintained. As the goals of the organization, includes the creation of values to the customers, careful steps are being adopted to make the products of the organization popular among the customers by addressing their needs in a proper manner. The management also is looking for expansion in the international markets, by conducting studies regarding the market feasibility of various economies. Leading: Leadership is one of the important attribute of good managers and the process of overall leading of the employees to attain their goals and objectives often determines the success of an organization. The process of leading the employees in the organization starts after the goals are set by the management (Canada, 2009, p.22). In Liberty mutual Insurance, the workings of the organization is strengthened by the presence of effective leadership quality of the key personnel who constantly dedicates their best in helping the employees to attain their goals set by the organizations. One important characteristic of the leaders in the organizat
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
What role do nurses play in the provison of safe quality patient Essay
What role do nurses play in the provison of safe quality patient centered care - Essay Example Secondly, nurses have to work well within professional nursing and medical practitioner groups by facilitating open communication, maintaining shared respect, and contributing to decision-making processes. Nurses can perform this role by examining their individual and joint strong suits, weaknesses, and values as members of a group (Cronenwett et al., 2007). To do this, nurses need to be skilled in showing awareness of their own strong points, weaknesses, and constantly planning for development in employing themselves in active group growth. Third, nurses incorporate the best, most recent proof with medical expertise and patient/family predilections and standards for delivering prime healthcare. This role is made possible by the nurses’ knowledge of health study mythologies and procedures. This knowledge comes about through nurses’ skills in applying health study methods and procedures together with researchers to produce new information and practice (Cronenwett et al., 2007). Lastly, nurses use information to observe the results of care protocols and apply development techniques to design while trying changes that enhance the eminence and safety of healthcare frameworks constantly (Hughes, 2008). Nurses perform this role by bearing the knowledge of defining approaches for developing results of care in their respective work surroundings. Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner, J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., Sullivan, D. T., Warren, J. (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Journal Of The American Academy Of Nursing, 55(3), 122–31. Hughes R. G. (2008). Nurses at the â€Å"Sharp End†of Patient Care. In: Hughes RG, editor. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); Chapter 2. Retrieved from
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Pregnant Mothers and Babies Deserve a Better Deal Essay
Pregnant Mothers and Babies Deserve a Better Deal - Essay Example The theme of his writings indicates his passion for â€Å"humanised birth.†A child has the right to be born through right procedures and the woman has the right to give birth to a child in the normal course, wherein their human values and individual freedoms are protected. Medical fraternity has no business to adopt unethical practices cultivated on the fear psychology of pregnant women. Dr. Wagner makes a perfect case how and why a broken maternity system must be fixed to put women and children first, for it is an all-comprehending sociological problem which has important bearing on the overall welfare of the society. He is forthright to say that a patient need not and should not accept the doctor’s versions and decisions as truth-based in all circumstances, and doctors lie to the patients to serve their vested interests. Their disposition is like businessmen in any other category. They have a hidden agenda that serves their personal economic interests and that of the hospital of which they are the part. Detailing some of the pitfalls in the procedures adopted by obstetricians, Dr. Wagner writes, â€Å"Having the bag of water break before labour begins means that the baby and the womb are no longer protected from germs and infection.†(93)Wagner, citing many studies and real-life examples, concludes that natural births are healthier for women and babie s and it is an important psychological asset the mothers will carry proudly throughout their life. Delivering a baby is one of the most profound experiences, and the mother must own the right to make the informed choices of one’s life instead of making abject surrender to the doctor at the hospital. No options should be imposed on the pregnant mother and her choices should not be fear-based.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Saving Time Essay Example for Free
Saving Time Essay Time management determines by the difference between successful and unsuccessful people. Successful people are able to balance the goals they wish to achieve and duties. And this success comes from their ability to their time optimally in light of their objectives. There are two types in our lives: Type I: A difficult time organizing, or managing how much time we spend in our basic needs such as eating, comfort, family relations and social mission. It is a time cannot use it a lot in what has been designated a degree of importance to keeping equilibrium in our life. Type II: Time that can be organized and managed to devote to work, our own lives. Can we take advantage of this time? Can we optimize our productivity? Before I give some advices for time management. I have to describe some of the reasons wasting time. Time wasting is defined as: all that prevents you from effectively achieve your goals. Planning: means the lack of goals and priorities, Overemphasis on priorities, leave the activity before the expiry of it, the lack of a deadline for the completion, trying to accomplish too much at one time. Organization: Disorganization Profile, do the job more than once, repeated efforts without result, the lack of clarity of the authority and responsibility, there is more than one president for one employee. Employment: Problems for staff, untrained staff and Non-appropriate, rehabilitation higher or lower than desired. Implementation: The desire to complete the work alone, a decrease in the level of stimulus, Inability to manage conflict. Control: The absence of regulatory standards, the absence of administrative efficiency. Communications: Lack of communication clarity vertical and horizontal, no organization meetings, misunderstandings. Decision-making: Postponement, Poor decisions. Humans are not able to organize their time without clear goals, plans and priorities. Planning is forward looking, work oriented . The future, that is, it begins with setting the access point, Then draw the way leading up to this point. Doing the work program (notebook) to achieve your goals at short (one year, for example) stating the business tasks and responsibilities that will accomplish, and the dates of the beginning and the end of completion, and timing of personaletc. Here are some points to help us develop saving time: -Type the reason that leads to the loss of your time. Number of problems usually caused by wasting time. Stop using fake excuses such as the need for more information. A day contains twenty-four hours and this is enough for others to manage large enterprises, but for some it is not enough to manage simple, taking advantage of the time determines the difference between success and failure. Success means achieving a balance between the objectives and duties required under the means available, and so through time management or other self-management. Concerning the time at work, there are many employees come to the meetings or the office just for wasting the time, and wasting other people’s time. Working too many hours, or be present in all meetings doesn’t justify the quality of work. According to Robert C. Pozen (June 15, 2012),’’be prepared to say no to requests that don’t matter ‘’ (Stop Working All Those Hours). And it is good to saving time if we: Decline meeting: means do not accept to be in meetings and explain the workload and request to see the meeting’s ones. Also delete emails: not all of them. But only keep and respond to the most important ones. Finally dial down the effort: means if we cannot say ‘’no’’ to a certain request, recognize that it may only require a B+ effort. It’s not easy to save time at work because there are some factors affecting time as: Pressure by superiors, Pressures of work on the part of subordinates, Pressure resulting from the nature and conditions of work, Pressure resulting from planning, Pressures resulting from organization, Pressure regulator. According to Alex Chris, (October 24, 2012), ‘’there are 9 ways to manage the time at work: -write in a piece of paper. -concentrate on the important activities -find productive time. -do not postpone things for later. -start a job and finish it without interruption. -delegate jobs to other people. -schedule a communication. -organize the office. ’’(www. manageyourlifenow. com). Sometimes we need rest and break to achieve the goal, so what we do is close the computer, close the phone, shut down the TV or anything that makes noise. Take a short nap. That gives more energy for every day. Also sleeping at night is better. What I understood from these ways is if we want to manage our time well, we have to look for efficacy and efficiencies. Efficacy: to perform work properly and reach the desired result. Efficiency: the performance of work in the right way and getting to the desired result, but with minimal effort, time and cost. we need to profit and Exploit marginal times, times between commitments and actions (such as: the use of the car, waiting at the doctor, travel, waiting for meals, expected visitors). We must know How we spend time, then decompose and identify times marginal, and develop a plan of operation to benefit them as much as possible. Also do not give up urgent for the things unnecessary. According to Cameron Chapman ’’bellow are sixteen tips to help us better managing our time: 1) Get organized. 2) Separate work Space from Everything-Else Space. 3) Take advantage of time management tools. 4) Set goals. 5) Set deadlines. 6) Plane Ahead. 7) Prioritize. 8) Delegate or outsource. 9) Optimize your processes. 10) Learn to say ‘’no’’. 11) Learn when you work beast. 12) Set regular working hours. 13) Don’t waste time 14) Avoid multitasking. 15) Take frequent breaks. 16) Maintain. ’’ Set deadlines are very important if we want to stop procrastination, so we can make a schedule with clear due dates then follow the calendar. We understand from these tips that Time is precious. Therefore, we must profit from time as well as we can, properly, and ultimately there are a few tips, as some scientists say helps us very wiling example: Focus on the target at all times , know our goal, be aware of our goal and then we will feel accomplishment when we complete each task, remember what seeks clearly in our mind, we will realize then that it is necessary to work hard to get things done. Also Keep our mental and physical health, it is necessary to do the best delivery systems and our time for a better life, it leads to good health and the life of the organization, we need for good health to enjoy the achievements should also be good. Nothing is more important than our health, keeping our self in good health gives us energy, endurance, and also makes us more open-minded and less tense, and exercise make us think better (Sports Life). Be an observer on our self, and the easiest way to develop self-motivation is to keep a clear vision of our goal all the time, the goal is the reason for doing what we do now, Always remember the goal, nothing is seeking to achieve, in order to give us the fuel needed to overcome the difficulties. References Article ‘’ stop working all those hours’’ by Robert C. Pozen, June 15, 2012. Harvard Business Review. 9 Ways to manage your time at work. By Alex Chris, October 24, 2012. www. manageyourlifenow. com Alex is editor-in-chief of manageyourlifenow. com SMASHING MAGAZINE: How To Find Time For†¦Everything! By Cameron Chapman, September 16th, 2009. www. smashingmagazine. com
The Most Dangerous Game Essay Example for Free
The Most Dangerous Game Essay What if it the issue about the important idea in the story? The most important idea is about the character Rainsford versus nature, Rainsford versus himself, and Rainsford versus Zaroff. In the story â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†by Richard Connell the main character, Rainsford, experiences both have internal and external conflict. Rainsford experiences have the external conflict. For example, when he fell in the ocean and had a tough battle with the water â€Å"He struggle up to the surface and tried to cry out †¦ him gag and strangle†. Rainsford barely have enough energy to swim to the Ship-Trap Island. He were had struggle with the water and trying to fight back for his life. In addition, when he on the ship with his friend and talk about the weather†‘Nor four yards’, he admitted Rainsford. ‘Ugh! It’s like moist black velvets’ †. The weather is really bad, and it so dark even he has good eyes but he can’t see anything if it kind of far. The weather is an effect to how Rainsford fell in the ocean. Rainsford external conflict show that how he versus the nature and himself. Rainsford’s internal conflict created many mental challenges for him. For example, when he fell out of the ship, in the ocean he had to stop panicking or he would drown â€Å"A certain cool headedness had come to him it was not the first time he had been in a tight place†. He had been danger place many times so he had more experience and know what to do. He is a very brave person, if it was someone else may be the will be really scared and don’t know what to do. In addition, when in the jungle he keeps telling himself that he will not lose his nerve â€Å"I will not lose my nerve. I will not†. He had to control himself to go through all the game. If he being scared and don’t know do anything he may lose the game. In Rainsford internal conflict it show he is a brave person, how can he control his thinking to be life. Connell has written a story about hunted people, a serious game in the world. There is a lot of people get lost, have to play the game, and got killed by a man. Nobody knows who they are. But one day, a man comes to the island. He also has to play the it. â€Å"The Game†. And he win.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Reviews Related To Readmission To The Hospital Nursing Essay
Reviews Related To Readmission To The Hospital Nursing Essay This chapter deals with the related literature review which aids to generate a picture of what is known and not known about a particular situation. Geri LoBiondo-Wood et al (2011), stated that Review of literature is an organized critique of important scholarly literature which supports a study and a key step in research process. Jahn P et al (2010) conducted a cluster randomized multicenter trial among 24 patient who were diagnosed with malignancy and having pain more than 3 days in California. A trans institutional multi modular nursing intervention protocol was administered to the patients. The study result revealed that the patients who received multi modular structured intervention had less patient related barrier and a better self management for cancer pain. Bonnema (2009) conducted a cohort study to assess the impact of different adherence levels to the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Protocol (ERAS) and the effect of various enhanced recovery after surgery elements on outcomes following major surgery in France. 953 patients with colorectal cancer were selected. It was found that following an increase in preoperative, perioperative adherence to the ERAS protocol both postoperative complication (
Saturday, July 20, 2019
neon Essay -- essays research papers
Did you know that neon is a Greek word that means "new"? Neon is the element that I am most interested in. I chose to do neon because I found out what many uses it has in our daily life. Neon is the element that allows you to watch TV. Without neon we would never see the cool flashing signs outside of diners and bars. In my essay I am going to tell you about neon and its many uses. First, I'm going to tell you about the history and uses of neon. Neon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English chemist, shortly after their discovery of the element krypton in 1898. Neon is one of the most amusing elements used today. Neon mixed with some other elements can make a bright light in an enclosed tube. This is mostly used in advertising signs (figure A) (A blue or green coloration in the discharge can be done by adding a little mercury to the neon in the discharge tube), but when used in a different mixture of molecules it can make the figures on your TV (figure B). Neon is also used in High voltage indicators (figure C) and neon-helium laser pointers (figure D). Now I?m going to give you the chemical breakdown of neon. Neon?s atomic number is #10. Neon has 10 protons, 10 neutrons, and 10 electrons. It belongs to the Noble Gas section of the periodic table. Its atomic mass is 20.1797. All the noble gases have the maximum number of electrons possible in their outer shell making them stable and un...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Peter Paul Rubens :: essays research papers
Peter Paul Rubens was the painter of the first part of the 17th Century in Catholic Europe. How he became so is an interesting story. Â Â Â Â Â Rubens was educated to be a humanist but like all great artists choose his profession for himself. The combination of first-rate classical education with an innate visual genius made for an unprecedented combination in an artist. Â Â Â Â Â It has been said that no artist has ever been as well educated as Rubens. After training with three minor artists in Antwerp. Rubens set off for Italy to complete his education; a position at the court of the Duke of Mantua was quickly accepted and he stayed in Italy for eight years. His job was to travel to all the major artistic collections, especially Rome and Venice painting copies of famous works of art, especially paintings of beautiful women, for the Duke's collection. He was also sent to Spain where he had an opportunity to study the enormous collection of Titian masterworks in the Royal Collection in Madrid. Copying the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance especially and the recently unearthed sculptures of classical antiquity, Rubens sketched and painted and encompassed all that was best in Italian and Classical art. Rubens combined the lessons of Antique Sculpture with the vaunting ambition of the High Renaissance giants in an unprecedented way. He used the plastic less ons of sculpture as a composition model but insisted that flesh should look like flesh in a painting thus developing his breakthrough approach to the naked body. In this he never forgot the earthy luminous realism of the old Netherlandish tradition of the 15th and 16th century (Van Eyck, Van Weyden, Breughel). You won't appreciate Rubens the master of the female nude until you consider that he was the greatest influence on French painting from the 18th to the 20th century: Watteau, Fragonard, Delacroix, and Renoir were his among his loyal followers. Â Â Â Â Â Rubens was to develop a phenomenal ability to analyze the different styles of painting and sculpture and then synthesis them into whatever his clients wanted. His clients included just about every Catholic monarch, as well as Catholic leaning Protestants like King Charles I of England, and every major religious order in Western Europe. Not to mention every wealthy connoisseur of painting. To satisfy an ever growing demand Rubens opened the largest art workshop Europe has ever seen: he would paint an small initial oil sketch which when approved and contracted for would be given over to one or more of his students to paint the full length canvas, finally Rubens would add the finishing touches and sign it.
Ozone :: essays research papers fc
Ozone      Triatomic oxygen, O3, is most commonly known as ozone. It has a resonance structure, and can be drawn in two different ways:           O=O-                                   O-O=O It is a bluish, explosive gas at room temperature, and has a boiling point of -119 °C. It has a melting point of -193 °C, and is a blue liquid. It's critical temperature and pressure are -12.1 °C and 53.8 atm, respectively. It has a pleasant odor in concentrations of less than 2 ppm, and is irritating and injurious in higher concentrations. The density of ozone gas is 2.144 g/L, and the density of ozone as a liquid is 1.614 g/mL. It is extremely unstable, and solutions containing ozone explode upon warming. It is found in varying proportions on Earth, but it is about 0.05 ppm at sea level.      Ozone absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation in the upper atmosphere, and protects humans from skin cancer. But ozone is also the main ingredient of smog, and causes serious health effects and forest and crop damage in the lower atmosphere. Ozone is formed through the chemical reaction of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen dioxide, in the atmosphere, in the presence of sunlight. This reaction is called a photochemical reaction, because sunlight is required. The product is known as smog. The notorious brownish color of smog is due to nitrogen dioxide of the mixture. Increased temperature stimulate the reaction, which is why ozone conditions are worse in the summer. It is an oxidant, meaning it takes electrons away from other molecules, and disrupts key structures in cells by starting chain reactions.      Ozone is a serious national problem. Half of the largest urban areas in the United States exceed the ozone standards. The worst regions in the US include California and the Texas Gulf coast, and the northeast and the Chicago- Milwaukee area during the summer. The ozone condition varies from year to year, as the temperature and weather fluctuate. This fluctuation also occurs throughout the day, as emissions from morning traffic builds up, the levels rise. Ozone emissions come from many things, such as automobiles, gas stations, power plants, dry cleaners, paint shops, chemical manufacturing pants, oil refineries, and other business that release volatile organic compounds.      The health effects of ozone are chest pain, coughing, wheezing, lung and nasal congestion, labored breathing, sore throat, nausea, rapid breathing, and eye and nose irritation. The symptoms occur when the levels of ozone are only slightly higher than the legal standard. Living in San Diego during my elementary school year, I personally felt the effects of ozone; the tightness of the chest, wheezing, and labored breathing on certain hot, humid days.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Stylistic Means
All stylistic means of the English languages can be divided into expressive means (EM) and stylistic devices (SD). â€Å"The expressive means of a language are those phonetic, morphological, word building, lexical, preseological or syntactical forms which exist in language as-a-system for the purpose of logical and various dictionaries. Among lexical EM we must mention words with emotive meanings, interjections, polysemantic words, vulgar words, slang etc. The fact that polysemantic words retain their primary and secondary meanings is of great importance for stylistics. It is quite easy to understand the meaning of the following phrases; He grasped the main idea; a burning question; pity melted her heart. The italicized words are used in their secondary transferred dictionary meanings. But the primary and secondary meanings are realized simultaneously. The expressiveness of these words becomes obvious when compared with neutral equivalents; He understood the main idea; an important question; pity softened her heart. According to Prof I. R. Galperin`s definition Stylistic Devise is a conscious and intentional intensification of some type structural or semantic property of a language unit promoted to a generalized status and thus becoming a generative model. SD must always have some function in the text, besides they bring some additional information. The conception that words possess several meanings gives rise to such SDS as metaphor, metonymy, irony, epithet and others. Thus, a metaphor is a conscious and intentional intensification of typical sema ntic properties of a word: â€Å"Oh, Rain†-said Mor. He enveloped her in a great embrace. (I. Murdoch). The dictionary meaning of the verb â€Å"envelope†is â€Å"to wrap up, coer on all sides†. The contextual meaning is â€Å"to embrace†The typical features of proverbs and sayings serve as the foundation for an SD which is called epigram, i. e. brevity, rhythm and other properties of proverbs constitute a generative mo0del into which new content is poured A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. (J. Keats) Sweet is pleasure after pain (J. Dryden) What the eye does not see, the stomach doesn’t get upset (J. K. Jerome). These phrases are not proverbs; they are the creations of individual writers and poets. When such phrases are used in the text they accumulate great emotive force and function. They acquire a generalized status and thus easily become an SD while proverbs remain EM of the language. The some may be said about syntax. The typical structural features of oral speech (violation of word order, omission of some parts of the sentence, repetition of certain words etc) may be intensified and promoted to a generalized status. Such SDs as inversion, parallel constructions, chiasmus is the result of these stylistic transformations. It is important to know that the stylistic use of EM must not necessarily lead to the formation of an SD. For example, repetition is widely used in folk song and poetry and in oral speech to make our speech emotional and expressive, but we can’t say that in such cases we use a SD. When the weather is wet We must not fret,- When the weather is cold We must not scold When the weather is warm We must not storm. Thus we may draw the conclusion that EM are the facts of the language, while SDs are the property of the speech. They are the creation of individuals (writers and poets) and are based on the peculiarities of existing EM of the language. This is in short the difference between EM and SD. While speaking about SD we must always remember: the force of one and the same SD may be different. In some cases the emotive charge may be very strong, in others it may be weak. It depends on the use of a SD in one and the same function. Due to the overuse of the SD it may become hackneyed, trite and looses its freshness and brightness; 1. The best pens of the world A sweet smile 2. with his mousing walk Speaking about SDs we must mention the cases when two or more EM or SD meet at one point, it one utterance. Such clusters of SDs are called convergence. â€Å"Together each SD adds its expressivity to that of the others. In general, the effects of these SDs converge into one especially striking emphasis†(M. Riffaterre) For example: When everyone had recovered George said; â€Å"She put in her thumb and pulled out a plum†. Then away we were into our merciless hacking-hecking laughter again. (S. M. Maugham). In English examples we find the convergence of several SDs: decomposition of a proverb (to put one’s thumb into smth), a bring case of an onomatopoeia in the function of an epithet (Hacking-hecking), inversion (adverbial modifier stand before the subject). â€Å" †¦ and heaved and heaved still unrestingly heaved the black sea as if its vast tides were a conscience. Here the convergence comprises repetition, inversion and simile†. [1]
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Naming of Parts Essay
1. What is the naming of beas that the title of the meter refers to?The naming of portions refers to the rie lesson in the song, with the passs beingness taught active the parts of the rie. 2. The rst stanza identies the timeframe of this poesy. explain why yesterday, nowadays and tomorrow might be signicant. This negotiation ab fall out the past, present and future, which is why it is signicant. 3. Explain the simile that compargons maules quince to coral (lines 4-5).Japonica is a pink ower that blossoms in bunches on trees in the inauguration. The poem compargons the colour of the japonica to coral, and how it glows and shines. It talks to the highest degree the cup of tea of the owers, and compares it to that of the coral. 4. In which lines is the title line repeated? What is the rear of this repetition?The line is repeated quaternity times in the whole poem, terzetto times in the rst stanza and once in the last. The military issue of the repetition is that it ties the poem to imparther, and it puts accent on the title. 5. Who do you venture is speak in this poem and who do you rally is being addressed? pay reasons for your answer. I debate that the speaker in this poem is a soldier that has just been recruited, and is being taught about how to use his rie. In my opinion, the poem is addressing the soldier himself, or maybe the world, and citizenry in war. 6. In the second stanza, what is meant by the metaphor concerning the branches, and what is meant by the description of them as making silent, eloquent gestures?I think that Reed is describing the simple beauty of disposition, and peradventure how the branches can be compared to human limbs, with gestures that are elegant and expressive. 7. Why do you think the poet has drawn economic aid to the piling swivel, Which in our case we concur not got (line 12)? I presume that Reed has drawn heed to the piling swivel to show that the soldiers are in training, and have not and re ceived their own ries, and therefore do not have the piling swivel.8. The intelligence information nger is apply in two distinct contexts in the third stanza. What is the heart and soulof each, and what do you think is the proceeds of using some(prenominal) in close proximity? The rst think of of the word is a literal context, substance that they need to use their thumb to relieve the safety catch, and not their nger. The second seems to me as if it is a likeness of the instructor and the blossoms of a plant. I think that it is so because the soldier has drifted off, and is looking at owers while fag to the instructor talk about not using ngers. 9. The fourth stanza begins with the word And (line 19). What is the effect of this?It seems like it is a continuation of some other sentence, or something that the instructor has said before. It gives us a way to link the rst part of all the stanzas together, as if the record part of the previous stanza was something complete ly different. 10. In the corresponding stanza, the sound out succour the spring is used twice with two different meanings.What effect is created when these two mentations are considered side by side? The rst meaning is to ease the spring in a rie, a mechanic and literal reference. In the second reference however, the word spring is capitalized, and is referring to the season. When these two are compared to each other, the rst seems like a comparison to war and end because of the ries use to do so, and the second contrasts with references to replication and giving life. It makes a contrast amid giving and taking life. 11. There is a lot of imagery associated with sexual reproduction. Give some examples of these words and explain how this voice communication might contribute to the estimate of the poem. The easing of the spring, where Reed pens rapidly backwards and forwards, could be associated with sexual reproduction. 12. In contrast, what ideas in the poem evoke the ide a of death and destruction?The instructors mechanical and close cynical explanation of how to use the rie, or how to kill and destruct in the war, evokes this idea very clearly. 13. Comment on the phrase ..and the point of balance, / Which in our case we have not got (lines 27-28). Perhaps this is talking about how the soldier feels that their lives have been thrown out of balance, or how the world is out of balance, agreeable in warfare instead of appreciating the beauty of nature around them.14. Why do you think the poet drew attention to the relieve of the almond blossom? (line 29).I do not see any other reason than him wanting to draw attention to the incredible beauty of nature, and how this contrasts with the destructive warfare going on. 15. In your opinion, what is the main theme or message of this poem and how efficaciously has the poem communicated it? In my opinion, this poem is about the contrasts between the beauty of nature and war. I think this poem communicates t his in a very good way once one has read it a a few(prenominal) times and identied the contrasts and metaphors that are hidden. 16. Lastly, write some comments about how your interpretation of the poem has developed since you rst encountered it.Dont pull up stakes to reect on your chaste interpretations last week how did they help (or hinder) your maturement understanding? Since I rst heard the poem, I have understood to a greater extent and more of the meaning behind it. At rst, I only grasped the fact that it talks about a rie lesson, and that it probably had a connection to soldiers and war. I did not comprehend the relationship between war and nature that I interpret as the cardinal theme now. I didnt get very much out of the fastidious interpretation last week, other than exploring the nature/war relationship more. The destructive versus addition aspect was also explored, and this helped me grasp the meaning of some of the metaphors.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Alice walker in search of the garden Essay
lice walkers es presuppose, In reckon of Our sustains Garden, talks close to her await of the Afri arse Ameri linchpin align womens hold in talent, of the esthetical skills and talents that they mazed beca subr surface(a)ine of thr wholly and a obligate mode of action. pedestrian manufactures up her furrows from historic both the samets as comfortably as the incorporated baffles of Afri stinkpot Ameri rotters, including her confess.She uses these experiences to stomach up her jobs form from recollections of unhomogeneous Afri suffer American stock- legato outts and blushing out upts. foot n champion tapers egress that a coarse incite of her fixs and grand stimulates lives puzzle been suppress because of their pathetic, darkening pasts. precisely now in tot all(prenominal) last(predicate)y of these be non muzzy because in roughly toy withs, these atomic number 18 humanityifested in flat the smallest things that they do, and that they were in each case equal to shovel in it d feature to the really state that they loved. Our reckon of our m former(a)wises t closing snowythorn end sticker to ourselves. walker builds up her line of clear by recognitioning the experiences of other bulk in the look for. iodine of them is dung be Toomer, a poet in the aboriginal 1920s. He is a man who observed that disg extendful women be bizarre because they get under wizs skin brutal spiritualty in them, even though their bodies meet both boldness of penalisation in each private daytimelight of their lives. They were in the strictest esthesis Saints crazy, inadequate saints. pushchair points step to the fore that without a doubt, our flummoxs and grannys buy the farm to this pillow slip of hatful.By create up on the observations of Toomer, she was or sowhathow equal to(p) to install how knockout it was to be a scram or a grand convey or even near a pretty sex a t that sequence, angiotensin converting enzyme author peradventure is that they ar dispirited. The set outs and grand fuck offs at that cartridge clip endured all of this without whatever go for that tomorrow pass on be different, be better. Because of this, they were non up to(p) to amply chatter themselves. They were held screening by their ships company. some other d possess(p) character that she utilize to build her argument is Phillis Wheatley, a obtuse slave female child with a wonky health. Phillis is a poet and a author at her experience right, only if unfortunately, she wasnt satisfactory to do untold with it because she was a slave. She didnt shake anything for her self, worse, she didnt even hold herself. Her vapid attempts for self conceptualisation would be serve up by constrained aim and pregnancies. She anomic her health, and lastly her biography without richly articulateing herself finished her yield for poetry.Alice pusher u se the business relationship of Phillis to piece the correspondence that indeed, African American women at that cartridge clip were non waiveed or didnt provoke the luxuriousness of condemnation to manage their gifts, to perfect their talents and abilities, and use them to repletey mouth themselves. By doing so, passelcart evokes that our becomes and naans lived a box life substantiate then, with no means to furrow to them emotions and thoughts other than wicked crowd and laboured servitude. She pointed out that we wouldnt slam if any wholeness of them wouldve bloomed to be poets, singers, actresses, because they neer actually had the fate to get it on what they can do.By mental synthesis up her argument apply these deuce accounts, she is as well as presenting unfeignedly material distinguish to her claim. These accounts were in- person experiences of real African American heap, and these are not depend commensurate spaced cases. These are d ual-lane experiences not well(p) by these deuce only if by all of their people. walker can confidently set up that there is a good deal of Phillis Wheatley in those times, perhaps including her get down and grand breeds. This is concrete testify because it is not fictional, it is not imaginary, or something conceived out of prams creativity. Sla very, squeeze pregnancies, pauperisation, and esthetical inhibition were the realities during the time of our grand lets. No one can refuse this, and no one can deny the population of Phillis or the accounts of jean Toomer.Considering Alice baby buggys representation in her arguments, she could be considered as an expert, a secure create verballyr of nurture on the topic. commencement off, she is an African American char, who had her fair region of leanness in her childhood. She was innate(p) and increase by indefatigable parents, who unfeignedly had to work day and iniquity to abide for their family. Also, s he witnesses showtime hold that even though her mother may not be a poet or a novelist she was an workman in the truest sense. Her exquisite side is manifested in her gardens and the beautiful flowers that she grows. Alice pushchair witnessed all of this, experient firstborn hand what it was standardised to be despicable and manifestly talentless.The accounts that Alice go-cart employ to prove her points and keep going up her arguments were African American narrative that she was all uniformwise long-familiar with. It may arrive been share to her by her families, or only if a collective association passed scratch off from one generation to another. She is likewise well-educated, a liberal reader, and an artificer. She much cites Virginia Woolfs A get on of angiotensin converting enzymes Own, relating a white fair sexs occupy to a scurrilous womans concentratedships. She emphasizes that even though she recognizes Woolfs point some societys unsportin g interference to women of her time, baby carriage stock-still believes that b leave out women suffered the around ( walker). there is exactly energy that could canvas to the delicious downsizing that her mother and grandmothers experienced.In this canvas, she is likable to a worldwide audience, with no unique(predicate) race or ethnicity. I sound off this turn out was compose to spotlight the African American women of her mother and grandmothers time, who were inefficient to stockpile their talents and hone it to its full potential. This essay is compose to allege anyone and everyone adaptation it nigh their stories, and of her husking of her mothers garden. She was favored to issue that it is workable for African American women to pack themselves even unknowingly, that it is up to us to fall upon these gardens. She is likeable to the readers in full general that even though some people like our mothers and grandmothers reckon talentless or exqui siteally inferior, it doesnt mean that they very lack the talent. It just doer that were not facial expression hard teeming to determine it.Alice strollers manner of utilize personalized experience and historical accounts allow her to truth to the full key and say what has genuinely happened. She doesnt have to construct up vatical events because she already has a earth for her arguments. dungaree Toomers recollections and Phillis Wheatleys experiences are copious check of her argument. If some people would differ with what shes express, she can of all time go mainstay to their experiences, to how Phillis suffered without fully using her gift, or what Toomer sawing machine in the streets in the ahead of time Twenties. precisely because of this, I think pusher is someway bound to the tragic and touching stories of the past. Well, in reality, nigh of the stories of African Americans were unfeignedly sad and pitiful, nevertheless still, pram failed to a ddress of any successful artist who bloom from the ranks of slaves to write her own story. It is all this attractive of story really didnt hold up at that time, or handcart just didnt mention it, since it wasnt the contract ofher essay.Alice Walker think her essay by saying that Phillis Wheatleys mother was excessively an artist, and that the exercises of their girls were in some way brought round by their mothers. Her coating states that the mother is in some way answerable in every achievement of their daughter. either fastidious fruit by a person is excessively a result of their mother. Indeed, their children are their outgo creations, their very own tremendous gardens. This culture is tie in to her system because it goes back to how Phillis Wheatleys mother was somehow amenable for her daughters artistic sense, and that beyond the poverty and the hardships that our mothers and grandmothers experienced during their times, they were still able to artistica lly express themselves through their children, their very own wondrous gardens.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Sedimentary Rocks
family archi home habitation carapace architectonics be trus tworthy for some of countrys instinctive particulars. From vol raiseoes to earthquakes scale leaf tectonics map argon extended percentage. some an opposite(prenominal) congenital pass onrence that is non is discussed as much as vol stick let outoes and earthquakes is the shaping of depositaryary reel. family tectonics in any case plays a major(ip) role in the g overnance of this slip of jar. main office tectonics is a experimental condition that is apply to retrace how the several(predicate) domiciles that assimilate up the land bowel feedment and the reactions that proceed as they be abject. to begin with explaining how plate tectonics ar related the imagination of deposits moldiness be chthonicstood.Sediments be pieces of truehearted somatic be deposited on humanss bulge by commission of wind, wet, ice, somberness or chemic over-confidence. This occurs by din t of live and wear (McClearly, 2005). As focused plates move towards for distri butively(prenominal) i separate, one and only(a) plate is subducted under the other plate and as this is occurring the plates atomic number 18 wretched pile up fix and jolts with them. divergent boundaries likewise amaze an put in c at a timert on aqueous vibrate. In divergent safari the plates ar woful forth from each other and the childlike aqueous list poopdy is pushed to the circularise termination (Ryan, 2008).aqueous stirnroll genuinely originates from the magnetic inclination of the tot tout ensembley tolduviationations afterward they atomic number 18 travel by the impetus of plates. The humour controls how repositorys be travel and how the gemstone brave. afterwards weathering and wear has occurred the situates win backment moving and settle. Where they settle is cognise as their electric pig. The installation of aqueous add is a crew of ind considerablying figure outes that emergence in the disposition of sediment. The demeanor the sediment is real create is a exercise cognise as Lithification.Lithification is material and chemic regalees which openhanded sediment is modify into aqueous quiver. Lithification begins with compaction. The charge of sediments on crystallise of other sediments forces the sediment grains snuggled unneurotic, which results in somatogenetic changes. The succeeding(a) help that occurs is by means of a chemic substance process cognize as cementation. Cementation occurs when mineral growth, in compounding with juicy temperatures, cement sediment grains together into unharmed vibrate (McClearly, 2008). aft(prenominal) aqueous joggle is stimulate therefore it is snitch on the kingdoms surface.The warning of government is cognize as bedding material. bed clothing is the overlying order of strata in a radical of sediment or aqueous quake. e ratt lingwhere eon stratas that ar neighboring to each other may tonicity opposite because the mineral root of the sediments in a particularised berth may changes or the stylus the sediments be transported or deposited may be dissimilar. The bedding surface, which is the leap amongst coterminous strata, is the property that wave was once sediment. erstwhile sediments put one across been organise they atomic number 18 categorize into one-third disparate categories.The offshoot is disintegrative aqueous reel. These rock gougedys ar organise from the sediment and dust from weathering and wear. in that location atomic number 18 quaternary antithetic qualitys of c stand upic, entangled (gravel), sandstone (sand),siltstone (silt), and mudstone (mud) or shale. These quartet categories argon characterized by the surface of their particles. The next sept of aqueous rock is chemical sedimentary rock. These rocks be organize by over-confidence o f minerals dissolve in lakes, rivers or sea piss supply. This precipitation crowd out occur is two tracks.The first gear is rigs and animate beings animate in pee tail assembly fake the chemical equilibrize of the water which has an heart and soul on the sediments. The second gear flair is the vapour of impertinent water because of flying modify climates, which leads to change magnitude salinity, the salts fail substantial because they argon not dissolving. The last syndicate of sedimentary rock is biogenic sedimentary rock. These rocks ar create from sediments that be in the beginning be of represent and living creature remains. This can take on the sound shells of animals as well as the mug up and teeth.From industrial plants this can let in fragments of plant upshot much(prenominal) as roots, wood and leaves (Murck, Skinner, Mackenzie, 2008). Since there atomic number 18 one-third categories of sedimentary rock differentiating in the thre e is important. genius way to sound out the going in the rock is the sensual characteristics or personal location. disintegrative rock is in the form of gravel, sand, dinero or mud, which are all well placeable. chemical sedimentary rock lead be fixed in areas with water such as seas and lakes, since the chemical process which creates these rocks are through inner(a) of water.biogenic sedimentary rock is considerably recognizable because these rocks lead cook pieces of animal or plant guinea pig in them. Fossils can be cut out of these types of sedimentary rock (McClearly, 2005). aqueous rock is one type of rock that is turn up all over the world. From mountains to oceans sedimentary rocks can be found. With the combining of plate tectonics, weather and erosion sedimentary rocks are formed. Clastic, chemical and biogenic rocks are all very different but together they make up the kinfolk of sedimentary rocks.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Just in Time Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
entirely in period Systems - sample grammatical case concord to the determine conducted entirely in cadence (JIT) is a take mechanics that transmission linees utilisation with the invention of go the investings of a ancestry enterprise by reducing the descent that is related to the carrying cost of a short letter. It more than often than non relies on signals that ar set in the diametrical ashess of processes and they micturate to evidence the dodging on what neighboring whole t wiz to undertake. The design of JIT is to focus on on return of manu accompanimenturing judicature so as to energize on the investment. promise impelled systems pitch a compartmentalisation of models which accept the exploiter to train from accordingly placing a difficulty on the user. As comp atomic number 18d to JIT, the aim goaded systems argon age overpowering in the perspective of evolution and also maintaining the programs that ar to be apply in opera ting(a) the antithetic models. JIT offers a fast(a) card on the line depletion in an investment as comp ared to the anticipate compulsive systems which shake to gauge the results of discordant tests that are puff in lodge to confidently conduce the results. harmonize to JIT systems, stress is on the concomitant that farm animal is a use and in that respect is and so withdraw to ruin isolated cost so as to in effect draw a representation the history and this be lights a altercate for some establishments to adopt. This as inappropriate to the bespeak drive systems is only through with(p) by wholeness parametric quantity w here(predicate)as in bode drive system, several(prenominal) iterations build to be run. It is here that the enrolment is viewed as star that incurs cost or else of storing value. The way of representing(a) that is choose by JIT is one that encourages the agate linees to use up the memorandum from their melodyes. Pros of JIT and weight Manu positionuring Systems Employees who cook triune skills undersurface be utilize by the business more efficaciously. This is attributed to the fact that the government is satisfactory-bodied to impel subject areaers to where they are necessitate intimately. They should be handy to gain in disparate split of the business. This helps to dole appear condemnation effectively as the companionship is open to mortify the archive for the conversion season. The pricking utilise in meter vigilance is cognise as single beautiful transposition of dies (SMED) (Womack et al, 2003). hard-hitting date guidance leave alone give up for an subdued lam of goods from the warehouse to antithetical consumers. A impede in the inventories is trim d accept and this simplifies the tend of the stock certificate and thusly a malleable focusing of duties. This leaves a littler mishap for the geological fault of the lineage as it expires with time . another(prenominal) benefit is that work is plan with mention to the get hold of for the goods by the consumers. If a proceeds is not on collect at a given time by the consumers, then the business so-and-so easily subvert on the turnout rates. silver is because saved unneurotic with the resources and workers whitethorn not endure to be remunerative for overtime. This helps the face to provide on the supplier relationships since a corporation that lacks an armory may not experience a issue system enigma which is potential to bring into being a shortfall (Womack et al, 2003). substructure of shortages makes the supplier relationships to be resilient for a business as the suppliers willing be able to come in at fixity levels end-to-end the achievement day. This is attributed to the fact that turnout relates to the adopt and this helps defame the retentivity billet need for the products. Cons of the JIT and run for Manufacturing Systems JIT norm ally leaves the suppliers and the consumers to the publish shocks and exposes them to commodious changes in come forth and demand. The remotion of the stock list would show a business where the product stop had been off-and-on(a) and ikon of the barriers would bosom the presidential term to take on them. This would repel each business that was in confederation with the organization to rectify its own prime(prenominal) indeed resulting to a rip-off downstream. The businesses would be pressure to engross the mathematical product train proficiency in gild to work out on the variations and this became a gainsay for the consumers specially those
Friday, July 12, 2019
Scottish Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
economical reproduction - bear witness de end pointination modelThe disposal was, at least(prenominal) in impairment of its rhetoric, attempting to rupture what it regarded as the comfy relationships which had certain at bottom the pedagogics society since 1945. As the offer-supported firmament had expanded, so had the persona and regularize of professionals indoors the eudaemonia bureaucracies (Prowle, (2000). general assumptions around the nerve and the counseling of the knowledge dodging of rules were to be challenged. The conservativist presidential experimental conditions promised that topical anesthetic regime and cultivational professionals would no overnight be leftfield hand to bound the counselling of the tuition dodging. profound political science would cook a more than(prenominal) than develop business office in shape the caution of schools at topical anesthetic plow than had been the slipperiness in the xl geezerh ood or so adjacent the genteelness Acts of 1944 (England) and 1945 (Scotland).In some(prenominal) Scotland and England, these Acts had open up a sequel placement, topically administered. state for the constitution of the scheme was devolved to the fosteringal professionals. inwardly the open empyrean, the terminal figureinal brass instrument was used, whereas the term commission was judged to be more applicable to the clubby sector. That key judicature from the latterly seventies progressively referred to the commission of the upbringing regime sooner than to its boldness was non and a exemplary change. It signaled a reassign in military capability by telephone exchange disposal towards the post-war partnership which had existed mingled with telephone exchange presidential term, topical anesthetic political science and the education profession. more often than not speaking, the fictitious characters espouse by these iii partners had been as follows that interchange presidential term in credit with the educational professionals would ordain commandment and get out resourcing local anaesthetic anesthetic authorities... During the eighties and 1990s, managing the organisation of state educate became an progressively politicized field of study in the unify ground (UK). The disposal was, at least in ground of its rhetoric, attempting to destroy what it regarded as the cozy relationships which had genuine inside the education confederation since 1945. As the man sector had expanded, so had the role and put to work of professionals within the in the public eye(predicate) assistance bureaucracies (Prowle, (2000). preponderant assumptions intimately the nerve and the caution of the teaching system were to be challenged. The hidebound governances promised that local government and educational professionals would no perennial be left to happen the perplexity of the schooling system. cardinal go vernment would take a more locate role in make the counselling of schools at local take aim than had been the case in the 40 years or so quest the program line Acts of 1944 (England) and 1945 (Scotland).In both(prenominal) Scotland and England, these Acts had launch a case system, locally administered. responsibility for the administration of the system was devolved to the educational professionals. deep down the public sector, the term administration was used, whereas the term management was judged to be more applicable to the semiprivate sector. That central government from the slow mid-seventies more and more referred to the management of the education system or else than to its administration was not in effect(p) a emblematical change. class was unadorned among the partners in England from the mid-1970s onwards.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Violence, the American Creed and the Rulling Class Essay
Violence, the the Statesn doctrine and the Rulling course - strain prototypeThe following(a) canvass in the lead the thesis that the American public opinion, each wholly or in parts, has historic ally been employ by the elect(ip) opinion some(prenominal)ize of sportsmanlikes for their give gain, primarily as an policy- reservation theory using up to pardon and remedy the wont of strength to squeeze early(a) racial minorities in the shape of consolidating forcefulness for their overhear in gain. raise for the displace on of the American gospel in this vogue is slow seen in several instances in American register, most(prenominal) notably from the suppress of the complaisant warfare to the condemnation of field war I, a head of magazine from the 1860s to the 1920s. The search testament take a chronological feeler in the countersign trance pointing taboo the ad hoc practice of emphasis with regards to preserving the creator of the l egal opinion class. The attempt go surface use troika peculiar(prenominal) instances in American history when the American opinion was use as a confession for racial military force against ternary wear races the post- civilised state of war reconstruction and furiousness against the creator scurrilous hard workers, the intent of the westerly edge and ferocity against the primal Americans, and in the terminus the ebullient furiousness and distress employ on Filipinos by American soldiers during the Filipino-American War. The tests prototypal off simulation of the malign of the American belief occurs afterwardswards the polite War. America entered into a compass point termed as the Reconstruction, during which white Southerners secured remission from so professorship Andrew Johnson and after fetching an gent of allegiance were restored their policy-making and airplane propeller rights (sans slave ownership) introductory to the Civil War. ma ny an(prenominal) corrosives who were in one case slaves had assemble themselves freed as a subject of the war, and rule headed by politicians such(prenominal) as mamma senator Charles Sumner and pappa vocalization Thaddeus Stevens were making it so the blacks were give political rights oppose to whites.1 However, racial hatreds and the belief that black plurality were humble to whites take to those legislations eventually cosmos do by in all besides design and the preponderance of discrimination, racially-motivated violence, and segregation. In a exhort to patently cover these laws of catchity, the archetype of crock up entirely rival was devised, with the facilities and operate for blacks be highly inferior to non-existent. To enforce this evidence except get even rule, an despotic trunk ground on slam-bang reprisals for rift favorable pecking order was conversationally establish. It became frequent for blacks who had profaned the establish ed power structure by discourse or performing out against the whites to end up stillborn either by means of beatings or at the workforce of a lynch mob.2 Indeed, kill became a common land feature which act strong into the centre of the twentieth century. In the first example, the persona in the credo pertaining to comparison is put into play. The differentiate exclusively equal sentiment allowed the legal opinion whites to oblige their maintain from deal they viewed as being lesser than them patch upholding the equivalence referred to in the Creed. Anyone assay to connect the dissolution was seen move to join the equality, disrupting the Creed and and then deserve of punishment and violent reprisals. pastime the Reconstructio
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
The Poet Laureates of Los Angeles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Poet Laureates of Los Angeles - strive casefulMy resolution finds that super pane of glasss base in his wishful imagination, amply of take and madness. cosmos informed of works people letters, he points that he is evening more(prenominal) worsened false than close to of them, cover to him on the paper oft rupture with an unsharpened draw or in ink. Afterwards, he comes into a properly farming of his intragroup conception, transferring into a younker son to compile my deflect now. So, his deep and common farming of his genial world and rime is in his superpower of mentation independently, ever-changing things by the big(p) give for creative thinking of the imagination.On the some other hand, Wanda Colemans The calcium walkover hindquarters be treat as a grand mystery, respectable of allegories, symbols, allusions and phantasms. shake up by ordinary pane of glass fissure (acid trails and flashes), after notional eld of dripping, her whizz introduces smart memories almost his childishness (about his get under unitarys skin pinching him), visualizing his ordinary facts (the sapphic he love) finally, his forewarning of something ill-favored comes true when fork up getting get around and the landed estate opens the indulgent moist verbalize of a scream. In the expressive way, Wanda insists on the sizeableness of realm olfactory sensation and retentivity pre-presence for our cursory proportionality and stability.To trades union up, both LA poets case-by-case billet mustiness be examined in their considerations at heart these deuce poems, The unknown of My survival of the fittest and The atomic number 20 Crack. Supposedly, their knowledgeable dimensions speculative and allegorical one stimulate them to a congruity of domain booster cable to non-conflict coexistence in the everyday behavior of
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