Friday, November 29, 2019
Biased Language Definition and Examples
Biased Language Definition and Examples The term biased language refers to words and phrases that are considered prejudiced, offensive, and hurtful. Biased language includes expressions that demean or exclude people because of age, sex, race, ethnicity, social class, or physical or mental traits. Bias in language refers to language that is uneven or unbalanced or not a fair representation, says the University of Massachusetts Lowell, adding that you should strive to avoid bias in writing and speaking because such language may contain â€Å"hidden messages†about the superiority or inferiority of various groups or types of people. Examples of Biased Language Bias is prejudice toward or unfair characterization of the members of a particular group, says Stacie Heaps writing on WriteExpress: Bias is so common in speech and writing that we often are not even aware of it. But it is the responsibility of everyone to become conscious of and write without bias. Heaps gives several examples of bias together with alternative (and unbiased) phrasing: Biased Language Alternatives If he is elected, he would be the first person of color in the White House. lf he is elected, he would be the first African-American in the White House. He has had the physical handicap since he was 5 years old. He has had the physical impairment since he was 5 years old. There are many elderly people in our town. There are many senior citizens (or seniors) in our town. Be sensitive to the feelings of the opposite sex, minorities, and special interest groups says Cengage: Dont emphasize differences by separating society into we and they by singling out minorities, particular genders, or groups of people such as those with disabilities and senior citizens. How to Avoid Bias in Your Writing Purdue OWL provides some examples of biased language with alternatives you could use to avoid gender bias: Biased Writing Alternatives mankind humanity, people, human beings man’s achievements human achievements manmade synthetic, manufactured, machine-made the common man the average person, ordinary people man the stockroom staff the stockroom nine manhours nine staff-hours You have to be on guard against bias because it can so easily creep into your writing or speaking, but Cengage says its easy to avoid, as in this example: Before a surgeon can operate, he must know every relevant detail or the patients history. Remove the bias with just a simple adjustment: Before operating, a surgeon must know every relevant detail of the patients history. You can just as easily avoid bias in race. Dont say: Attending the meetings were three doctors and an Asian computer programmer. In the example, Asian is preferred to Oriental, but why even single out this persons ethnicity? The sentence did not specify the ethnicity of the doctors, who were presumably Caucasian. Examples and Observations Be on guard for these types of bias in writing and speaking: Age: Avoid derogatory or condescending terms associated with age. Little old lady can be rephrased as a woman in her 80s, while an immature adolescent is better described as a teenager or teen.Politics: In any election campaign, words referring to politics are full of connotations. Consider, for instance, how the word liberal has been used with positive or negative connotations in various election campaigns. Take care with words and phrases like radical, left-wing, and right-wing. Consider how your readers are expected to interpret these biased words.Religion: Some older encyclopedia editions referred to devout Catholics and fanatical Muslims. Newer editions refer to both Catholics and Muslims as devout, thus eliminating biased language. Health and abilities: Avoid phrases like confined to a wheelchair and victim (of a disease), so as not to focus on differences and disability. Instead, write or say someone who uses a wheelchair and a person with (a disease). Biased language can defeat your purpose by damaging your credibility, say Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu in their Handbook of Technical Writing. They add: The easiest way to avoid bias is simply not to mention differences among people unless the differences are relevant to the discussion. Keep current with accepted usage and, if you are unsure of the appropriateness of the expression or the tone of a passage, have several colleagues review the material and give you their assessments. As you write and speak, remember that biased language insults the person or group to which it is applied, say Robert DiYanni and Pat C. Hoy II in their book, The Scribner Handbook for Writers. When you use biased language- even inadvertently- you denigrate others, creating division and separation, they say. So, strive to use unbiased language, and you will show that as a speaker or writer, you are including all potential members of your audience without segregating and referring pejoratively to a select few.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Reglas para el ingreso de mascotas a Estados Unidos
Reglas para el ingreso de mascotas a Estados Unidos El ingreso de mascotas est sujeto a reglas que hay que seguir. Tener en cuenta que aquà se explican las que afectan a las aduanas estadounidenses pero que hay que respetar tambià ©n las del otro paà s del que se viaja o que es destino final. Lo primero que hay que saber es que las reglas aplican tanto a las personas que residen habitualmente en Estados Unidos y regresan al paà s con su mascota como a los que viven en otros paà ses e ingresan a los Estados Unidos por la razà ³n que sea. Los segundo, es que las mascotas deben de estar sanas. Y si no lo estn pueden ser sometidas a cuarentena. Y que en casos especà ficos simplemente se prohibir su ingreso. Y lo tercero es que hay reglas especà ficas segà ºn el tipo de la mascota. Asimismo, si se considera que est en peligro aplicarn reglas especiales. A continuacià ³n los casos ms comunes de reglas para mascotas y hacia el final la normativa que regula el ingreso de las piezas de caza en Estados Unidos. Se acaba con un listado de los puertos de entrada al paà s para el caso de caza y mascotas especiales. Reglas para ingreso de roedores a Estados Unidos Conejos, conejillos de indias, hamsters y hurones que son mascotas pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos si tienen buena salud. Si no la tuvieran, sern sometidos a cuarentena y el dueà ±o deber correr con los gastos. Los erizos sà ³lo se pueden traer a travà ©s de determinados puertos de entrada, que incluye aeropuertos. Consultar con la CBP. En todo caso, no se pueden ingresar los que proceden de Nueva Zelanda. En cuanto a ratas, puerco espà n, ratones, ardillas y lirones, estn prohibidos sà ³lo si proceden de Africa. Reglas para ingresar con perros a Estados Unidos Deben tener un certificado de vacuna contra la rabia si proceden de un paà s en las que existe tal enfermedad. Adems, se requiere uno de que est libre de gusano barrenador (screwworm en inglà ©s), si procede de un paà s en el que existe dicha enfermedad. Finalmente, si se trata de un perro guà a y se ingresa a los Estados Unidos en avià ³n deber consultarse con la aerolà nea del vuelo, por si piden documentacià ³n adicional. Reglas para viajar con gatos a Estados Unidos No se requiere la presentacià ³n de la vacuna contra la rabia en el caso de animales que son mascotas. Reglas para ingresar a mascotas como monos y dems primates No pueden ser traà dos a Estados Unidos como mascotas en ninguna circunstancia. No se admiten excepciones. Ingreso a Estados Unidos de tortugas como mascotas Las tortugas vivas con caparazà ³n y que miden ms de 4 pulgadas y que se ingresan como mascotas pueden ser importadas sin restricciones. Pero siempre a travà ©s de un puerto de entrada que se ocupa de tramitar la papelerà a para animales salvajes (ver ms abajo). Las tortugas vivas con caparazà ³n y menos de 4 pulgadas pueden ser importadas sin fines comerciales, pero con un mximo de 7 ejemplares. Lo mismo sucede con los huevos viables de tortuga. Tambià ©n deben de ingresar a travà ©s de un puerto de entrada que procesa animales salvajes. Peces Si no estn incluidos en listas de animales en peligro de extincià ³n ni en listados de especies daà ±inas (injurios species) entonces pueden ser importados como mascotas. Es necesario utilizar para ello uno de los puertos de ingreso designados para tramitar la entrada de peces al paà s Reglas que aplican a la caza para ingresar a Estados Unidos Las reglas para ingresar a los Estados Unidos aves y otros animales abatidos por cazadores son como siguen: En primer lugar, si se trata de un pjaro o de otro animal no considerado como protegido y que ha sido cazado por un un ciudadano estadounidense o por un residente permanente legal en Canad o en Mà ©xico y el fin de la importacià ³n es no comercial: se puede producir el ingreso en cualquier puerto de entrada (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre). Pero es necesario llenar la planilla Form 3-177. En segundo lugar, si la pieza cazada procede de otro paà s entonces el ingreso se debe realizar a travà ©s de un puerto designado para tramitar esa documentacià ³n. Adems, deber presentarse papeles mostrando la licencia del cazador, sellos y el documento de exportacià ³n del paà s en el que se haya cazado al animal, si dicho paà s lo requiere. Finalmente, tener en cuenta que para no pagar impuestos de importacià ³n es preciso que la pieza haya sido legalmente cazada por el que la trae, es decir, no puede ser comprada. Asimismo, es necesario ser ciudadano o residente permanente de los Estados Unidos. Aves migratorias, animales protegidos o considerados amenazas Si se ha cazado un ave migratoria o se desea importar un animal o mamà feros marinos o cualquier otro animal considerado protegido o amenazante para las especies de los Estados Unidos, consultar antes con el Servicio de Peces y Fauna, porque podrà a estar prohibido traer la pieza a los Estados Unidos. El telà ©fono al que marcar es el 1-800-358-2104. Ahà se puede obtenre informacià ³n sobre quà © documentacià ³n adicional se podrà a necesitar o si, simplemente, no es posible traer un determinado animal a los Estados Unidos. Atencià ³n a los ingresos de marfil El paso de marfil por las Aduanas de los Estados Unidos est sujeta a restricciones, incluso cuando forma parte de instrumentos o muebles. Puerto de entrada para procesar la papelerà a de Peces y Fauna El Servicio de Peces y Fauna (Fish and Wildlife en inglà ©s) est presente en los siguientes puertos de entrada: AtlantaBaltimoreBostonChicagoDallas / Fort WorthHonoluluLos Angeles MiamiNueva OrleansNueva YorkNewarkPorlandSan Francisco Seattle A tener en cuenta para pasar control migratorio y aduanero fcilmente Para evitar tener problemas en las aduanas, esto es un compendio de todo lo que no se puede ingresar o est sujeto a algà ºn tipo de restricciones, desde alimentos a medicamentos. Adems del control migratorio, al llegar a un puerto de entrada a Estados Unidos se pasa por un control migratorio. Esto es lo que saben los oficiales fronterizos. Finalmente, cabe destacar que si el ingreso se realiza a travà ©s de uno de los puestos de control migratorio en la frontera entre Mà ©xico y EE.UU. las demoras pueden ser largas, particularmente en fechas seà ±aladas. Para evitarlo o estar preparado es posible consultar cunto tiempo se est tardando en cruzar en cualquier puesto en particular. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
FEX_HUM310 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
FEX_HUM310 - Essay Example It is very democratic because having a book about how to become important levels the playing field. This article was important because at the time, everybody thought a Catholic president would basically just do whatever the Pope said without thinking of America first. However, Smiths article argues that this belief was completely against Americas constitution, which allowed for both freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. It influenced American values by drawing peoples attention again to the basic rights set out by the constitution with regards to religious rights. On the Road, like other books and poems published during the Beat Generation, was a book that really called into question the traditional values of America. It represented a big shift in the way people thought about things, and was very liberal or even radical. Once people accepted it America began to accept more liberal ideas. The Feminine Mystique is an important book because it drew attention to the way American women were still mostly a subservient gender. They were unhappy, but because for them to be happy might call into question traditional values about what women were supposed to do in the home, not many people wanted to know about their unhappiness at first. Friedans book brought this problem to the national attention. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the letter in response to criticism of his protests in Birmingham Alabama. He claimed that unjust laws should be disobeyed because of morals. It is a significant document because it suggests that America was not as good at giving everybody an equal, democratic chance as it wished to believe. It also sets forth an alternative way for the oppressed people like African-Americans to change their country for the better. Bellow was controversial because of his conservative social and political views. He made statements and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
I have a dream--situational analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
I have a dream--situational analysis - Essay Example This was the most famous speech he ever made which almost immortalized him. Dr. King, even to this day, remains an icon of anti racist movement. The rhetoric "I have a dream" became part of all the freedom movements to come and his words "Let freedom ring" reverberated from all corners of the world, as a sanctified slogan of freedom loving humankind. The rhetorical situation had many constraints at the time. Even though it was John Kennedy, one of the most exalted Presidents of America, the sworn enemy of racism, Kennedy had realized that it would take years to remove the evil from its roots. He was a new President, still testing the water of American politics and was not yet ready for a civil war like situation with the racial frenzy South. Things had not changed much from the days of Abe Lincoln. President Kennedy had to send federal troops to admit James Meredith to the University of Mississippi, in 1962, the very thing he really wanted to avoid. The President also had to order the marshals to accompany Meredith while attending his University Classes. King knew that in Kennedy he had a sympathizer and now it is known that Kennedy had already decided to do a lot for the rights of the black population, during his second term as President. But in 1963, even Kennedy was not in a position to do much to aid King. King knew that he had to fight his own battles, possibly with subtle help from the President and his Attorney General brother, Robert Kennedy. King's first task was generating support from the Black Community. There were a few fractions fighting for the civil liberty in an unorganized way. He knew that their strength lies in unity and undivided, fractionless black community. He knew that unless he did that, the movement had no chance of success. He also knew that President Kennedy's assassination in 1963 and the aspiring Presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy's murder in 1967, had removed any hope of administrative support for the movement, and the mild, rather wily successor, Lyndon Johnson never showed any such intention either by word or deed. King had to depend on his own rhetoric, wit, oratory and determination to make a success of the fight for civil liberties. This entire speech, its timing, location was towards that one particular goal. He had to enthuse and inspire them ('Let freedom ring'), explain and get them committed ('We cannot turn back'), and make them march with him towards the glittering goal of 'Free at last!' His eloquent speech was interrupted many times by the admiring frenzy of the audience that is the result of great purpose and happiness of having found a suitably inspiring leader at last for the cause. The rhetoric produced both short term and long-term effects. For the first time in recent decades black community of America was maintaining a united struggle for their
Monday, November 18, 2019
Methods of Property Valuation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Methods of Property Valuation - Term Paper Example The process of estimating values of properties considers numerous elements that might affect the property value. These factors form an essential part of comparable valuing. In determining proper comparable various conditions must be satisfied to ensure the comparable remains closely related to the subject property. The subject property valuation utilizes the value of comparable to determine the estimated property values. Within the property market, various elements affect the selection of a comparable for the subject property. The current market conditions might increase or decrease prices of property depending on the accounting systems employed. According to Rees and Hayward (2001) when selecting a comparable location and physical appearance of the property must display significant similarities. The locations of property might influence the value of the property if the properties under question could both be influenced by location characteristics. The conditions under which comparab les are sold could potentially affect the suitability of a property as a comparable. A property sold understate settlement, for example, might be undervalued following the conditions involved. A proper comparable should be sold under prevailing market conditions and without restrictions on either party. Numerous methods of property valuation exist within the property market. The sales comparison approach remains the most utilized valuation method involving comparables (Betts & Ely, 1998). This method involves a comparison of different units forming the characteristics of the properties under comparison. This consideration of different units creates a beginning point for establishing an estimated value for subject properties. The significant characteristics that could be considered include floor area, property condition, age, and distance from essential amenities, among other property attributes. Though these elements might be considered in the valuation of property, the method relie s heavily on the economic principles of demand and supply.Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Racism in the 1960s
Racism in the 1960s Racism in the 1960s The 1960s were a time where the world was changing. Music was changing, politics were changing, and people were changing. But one problem seemed to remain in society Racism. Although the 1960s were the era of the Baby Boom, the racist segregation did not subside. Although segregation thrived through Jim Crow Laws, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both fought hard against it. This segregation lead to possibly the worlds greatest achievement, the African-American Civil Rights Movement. In the 1960s, the way of life was different for people with different colors of skin. There were separate bathrooms, separate restaurants, drinking fountains, and churches for black people. Restaurants had a Jim Crow law, that stated, It shall be unlawful to conduct a restaurant or other place for the serving of food in the city, at which white and colored people are served in the same room, unless such white and colored persons are effectively separated by a solid partition extending from the floor upward to a distance of seven feet or higher, and unless a separate entrance from the street is provided for each compartment. Black people were also forced to use different barbers, nurses and jail cells. The segregation between black people and white people was evident and enforced by law. These laws were called Jim Crow Laws, and were local laws that outlined the segregation between black people and white people. Any act against a Jim Crow law was punishable by law and received an unusually hefty punishment. These separate but equal approaches lead to much discrimination that African-American communities endured for much of the decade. These laws covered aspects such as barbers, prisons, nurses, and libraries. Some examples of Jim Crow laws were: 1. No colored barber shall serve as a barber (to) white girls or women (Georgia). 2. No person or corporation shall require any White female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either public or private, in which Negro men are placed (Alabama). 3. The warden shall see that the white convicts shall have separate apartments for both eating and sleeping from the Negro convicts (Mississippi). Although these laws were all forced by law, they were all forced by the public as well. Many mobs of white men used lynching in the 1960s to try and manipulate the African-American population. Lynching is considered the punishment of any person without legal process or authority. Any person who tried to promote against, abolish, or defy the Jim Crow laws were often beaten and/or killed. With the help of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, these laws were only in effect up until 1965. In 1968 the Supreme Court declared all types of segregation unconstitutional. Martin Luther King Jr. was an integral part of the abolishment of Jim Crow Laws and the public support of the Civil Rights Movement. Growing up as a child, Martin Luther King Jr. was a very smart human being. He attended segregated high schools in Georgia but only stayed for a short amount of time. Because of Martins superb intelligence, he was able to finish grades 9-12 in just two years, making him a high school graduate at the age of fifteen. After receiving a doctorate at Boston University, Martin had already started his effect on society. He participated in a 382 day boycott to remove the segregation between black and white people on buses. The supreme court agreed and on December 21, 1956, the law was ruled unconstitutional. Martin Luther King paid the price for this great achievement, finding himself arrested and his home was bombed. The African-American Civil Rights Movement took place in the 1960s and really gained support on August 28th, 1963. Martin Luther King Jr. made hi s plea to the world for racial equality during his I Have a Dream speech. This speech was a powerful moment in history and held the support of people all over the planet. I have a dream is still regarded as one of the greatest political statements ever to be made.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Humorous Wedding Speech Made by a Fellow Teacher :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches
Humorous Wedding Speech Made by a Fellow Teacher Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honour to be standing here. I suppose I should actually say it's an honour and a pleasure, but I know the pleasure won’t kick in until this speech part is over. I must admit to being a little surprised when James invited me to his wedding as I only met him a few years ago. But on reflection, I think he was swayed by the fact that I know very little about the first years of his life, which therefore puts some rather embarrassing stories out of reach. James and I have been close ever since we met whilst (while) teaching at Ferndale secondary school - so close, in fact, that he has told me secrets that nobody else knows. One of those secrets is that James keeps a diary. In preparation for this speech, I decided to swipe his diary and would now like to read to you a few of the entries that chart the blossoming romance between James and Anis. [pull out a diary prop] So here it goes: September 5th 1998 – Today was my first day as a teacher. When the kids got out of line, I just got loud and acted tough like dad does. I hope they don't realize that I am really just a big sissy. September 6th 1998 – A pretty teacher at school talked to me today. That was weird. September 7th 1998 – I said â€Å"hi†to the pretty girl today. It's a good thing Jason [best man] taught me how to be cool. September 13th 1998 – Ate dinner at Pizza Hut tonight with Jason, Sarah, and the pretty girl named Anis. I think I like her. September 14th 1998 – I couldn't sleep last night with all the butterflies in my stomach. I think I like this girl more than my car. September 15th 1998 – Jason is the coolest guy I know. I hope he doesn’t decide to go out with Anis. September 14th 1998 – Anis kissed me. It was amazing. I haven't kissed a girl since Freshers’ Week at Uni (the university). December 7th 2001 – I proposed to Anis today. She accepted, but only after criticizing my way of kneeling. This is one of the happiest days of my life. Unfortunately, I can't see much because I've been crying like a little girl.
Monday, November 11, 2019
An Introduction to Debt Policy and Value Essay
What remains to be seen however, is whether shareholders are better or worse off with more leverage. Problem 2 does not tell us, because there we computed total value of equity, and shareholders care about value per share. Ordinarily, total value will be a good proxy for what is happening to the price per share, but in the case of a relevering firm, that may not be true. Implicitly we assumed that, as our firm in problems 1-3 levered up, it was repurchasing stock on the open market (you will note that EBIT did not change, so management was clearly not investing the proceeds from the loans in cash-generating assets). We held EBIT constant so that we could see clearly the effect of financial changes without getting them mixed up in the effects of investments. The point is that, as the firm borrows and repurchases shares, the total value of equity may decline, but the price per share may rise. Now, solving for the price per share may seem impossible, because we are dealing with two unknownsâ€â€share price and change in the number of shares: Share price=Total market value of equity
Friday, November 8, 2019
Study On Rana Pipiens Essays - Amphibians, Rana, Frog, Free Essays
Study On Rana Pipiens Essays - Amphibians, Rana, Frog, Free Essays Study On Rana Pipiens Leopard Frog - Rana Pipiens Distribution: Found throughout Ontario but more abundant in southern and central Americas. Range: Adults maintain small home ranges (up to 500 m2) in fields or open forest during the summer. Where terrestrial habitats are quite dry, home ranges include some shoreline. A minimum of 4 ha of terrestrial habitat is recommended for the vicinity of breeding sites, however, individual adults may move several kilometres away. Most recently metamorphosed froglets stay within 20 m of shoreline although some froglets begin dispersal before metamorphosis is entirely complete. Diet: Larvae eat algae, phytoplankton, periphyton and detritus. Adults eat mainly invertebrates but will also take tadpoles or very small froglets. Reproduction: Successful breeding sites are permanent ponds, marshes, or pools or backwaters of streams. Eggs and tadpoles require warm (prefer 18o - 28o C), shallow, sunny areas. Breeding occurs from mid-March to mid-May in southern Ontario, and a few weeks later further north. Metamorphosis occurs in 2-3 months. Tadpoles require minimum oxygen concentrations of 3 ppm. Habitat: Relative to bullfrogs and green frogs, leopard frogs use open fields more and prefer denser terrestrial vegetation. In aquatic habitats, submerged vegetation, detritus and soft mud are used for cover. Lookout/Sunning Froglets require muddy shorelines, lily pads, rocks, logs or beaver dams with clear access to deeper water. Adults prefer unmowed fields (15 - 30 cm high, no more than 1 m high vegetation) or open forest in the vicinity of shallow open marshes. Connectivity/Corridors Corridors may be required among breeding, hibernation and summeringhabitats, within 2 km. These may be either aquatic (streams or rivers) or terrestrial (field or forest, usually not cropland except during periods of irrigation). Hibernation Hibernate in deep or running water that will not freeze solid or become anoxic. Are found hibernating on muddy substrate or under rocks, sunken logs, leaf litter or vegetation. Oxygen levels at one known successful hibernation site were 7 ppm. Tadpoles metamorphose in the year of hatching. Hydrology Permanent wetlands with fishless areas or near fishless (temporary) wetlands. Breeding requires sufficient water for metamorphosis to be completed (mid-late August). Soils/Substrate In water prefer muddy bottom. On land prefer moist soil, leaf litter or moss. Design Criteria Vegetation Prefer egg-laying sites with emergent vegetation on about 2/3 of edge and submergent vegetation in 1/2 of surface area in May. Structures Rocks, logs, floating vegetation or dams to sun on, with access to deep water. Submerged vegetation, logs or rocks to hide in. Soils, Slope, & Substrate Prefer wetlands with gradual slope at edge. Hydrology Hibernate in streams with minimum depth 90 cm, moderate mid-depth water velocity, minimal sedimentation, and rocks with average diameter of 20 cm. Critical Periods Breed April-June, metamorphose July-September Other Considerations Froglets are used as bait for fishing. Has declined in much of its western range and apparently in northern Ontario. Tadpoles and froglets are vulnerable to predation by large Bullfrogs and fish. Bibliography Cook, F. R. 1966. Amphibians and reptiles of Saskatchewan. Regina: Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, Department of Natural
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Veterans Disability Law I Disability Attorneys of Michigan
Veterans Disability Law I Disability Attorneys of Michigan Southwest Solutions is Completing 28 New Multi-Family Townhomes in Detroit for Veterans and Their Families Monsignor Clement Kern a pastor of Most Holy Trinity in southwest Detroit founded Southwest Solutions in 1970. He was known to many as the â€Å"conscience of Detroit†due to his passion and commitment to helping those in need throughout the community.Southwest Solutions main goal was to help the mentally ill live in the community by providing psychiatric counseling and medication. Today Southwest Solutions offers help to those in need as well as veterans throughout the community through multiple outlets including:Southwest Counseling SolutionsSouthwest Housing SolutionsSouthwest Economic SolutionsSouthwest Solutions is currently completing 28 new town homes for families in Detroit located at Mack and Ashland/Alter Road. With the help and support of Home Depot, 6 of these homes will be dedicated to veterans and their families in the community.The town homes are affordable and designed to accommodate a family with amenities like:3 bedroomsFull bath and a half bathBasementFull-s ize refrigeratorWasher dryerIf you are interested in learning more about these homes or know someone in need you can apply at Southwest Solutions located at 1920 25th Street, Detroit MI 48216 Monday – Friday 9AM – 4 PM or call Southwest Solutions Housing line at 313-841-3727.Disability Attorneys of Michigan. Compassionate Excellence. community events, Community Outreach, DA Michigan, Disability Attorneys, Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Veterans Disability, Veterans Disability Attorneys, Veterans Disability Lawyers
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business Plan for Innovative Clothing Case Study
Business Plan for Innovative Clothing - Case Study Example ...................................................13 5.0 Important Milestones and activities...................................................................14 6.0 Financial statements............................................................................................15 6.1 Assumptions.........................................................................................................15 6.2 Profit and Loss statement...................................................................................16 6.3 Balance Sheet.......................................................................................................17 6.4 Cash Flow statement...........................................................................................18 References..................................................................................................................19 INNOVATIVE CLOTHING 1.1Business goals: Innovative Clothing (IC) will manufacture and market a complete range of branded casual clothing to cover the entire segment of this market. The company will position itself as store chain offering casual clothing of quality which is above expectations of the market, at competitive price and with designs which are simple but at the same time makes the wearer look smart. The company will aim to achieve a turnover of 3 million (Aus $) in the first year and 10$ by the end of third year. It will break even in the first year of operation itself and start generating substantial profits from second year onwards. 1.2 The Company Innovative Clothing is a general partnership firm. The fund for the establishment of the business is equally shared by 5 partners. As a general partnership firm the responsibility is also equally shared among the partners. The entire...The fund for the establishment of the business is equally shared by 5 partners. As a general partnership firm the responsibility is also equally shared among the partners. The entire activities of the business are under the control of a Board of directors in which the 5 partners are included. The company is manufacturing and marketing garments locally. With the experience gained, it wants to enter into retail sales of casual garments in a big way by setting up a chain of retail stores in Sydney. It will open 10 stores in the first year followed by ten more in the second year. The partners collectively have experience in production, marketing and design. They propose to recruit a Chief Executive Officer who will be in charge of operations. The CEO will report to the board represented by the five partners. Innovative Clothing proposes to transfer its manufacturing activity to China because of availability of work force at lower wages and various supports given by the government for investing there. The marketing and design activities will be located at Sydney. The company would try to cater to the needs of entire market for casuals instead of focussing on one particular segment only. For this it will evolve appropriate promotion and branding strategy. 1988-89 to $AUD 11.82 billion in 2006-07.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analyzing witchcraft in Pre-colonial and colonial Mexico Essay
Analyzing witchcraft in Pre-colonial and colonial Mexico - Essay Example Just like the smallpox and other diseases brought by the Europeans wiped out civilizations, Catholicism eradicated the native religion of Mexico. Between 1800 and 300 BC, complex cultures flourished in Mexico. Many matured into advanced pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations such as the: Olmec, Teotihuacan, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec, which thrived for nearly 4,000 years before the Europeans landed in Mexico. First the religious practices of these civilizations and the effect of European colonization on the religious practices will examined. The Europeans reaction to the rituals of these cultures need to be looked at. Finally, the persecution of natives practicing witchcraft will be analyzed. The Olmec culture, especially their religious culture, can only be interpreted by archaeological measures like the Las Limas figures. The Olmec died out before Europeans came to Mexico. Cave art, digs, and other archaeological finds have shown that the Olmec religion had priests and shamans.1 Kings and rulers had to worship or link themselves to Olmec gods to prove their right to the rule.2 One author explains, â€Å"much of the art of La Venta appears to have been dedicated to rulers who dressed as gods, or to the gods themselves†.3 Olmec art shows deities like the Feathered Serpent and the Rain Spirit were already in the Mesoamerican pantheon in Olmec times.4 The Olmec believed in multi deities and spirits. Although the Olmec culture had died out before the European Conquistadors reached Mexico, speculation can be made based upon what is known about what happened to later cultures under colonization. The Catholicism that would sweep across Mexico believed in the Trinity. Anybody worshiping any deity or god other than God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, would be considered a witch, practicing witchcraft. Although the it can not be proven conclusively, there is indications the Olmec might have
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